Oblivious - Giclee Print

Oblivious - Giclee Print

from $19.00

This is a Giclee print of the original artwork. Giclee prints replicate the vibrancy and intricacies of original artwork. They combine high resolution, archival paper, and pigment-based inks to achieve exceptional quality and lasting beauty.

Please note that each Giclee print has a 1” white border.

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In the hushed corner of a snug burrow, a mouse seeks solace beneath a blanket. The fabric, envelops its small form like a protective cocoon. The mouse's snout peeks out from the folds, its whiskers trembling with vulnerability. Veiled by the fabric, its eyes remain hidden—a deliberate choice to shield itself from the world. Perhaps it harbors memories it longs to forget or fears it yearns to escape. The texture of the blanket is etched in fine charcoal strokes—the weave of fibers and the frayed edges. And so, in this quiet tableau, the mouse persists, its blanket both guardian and shroud. Beyond lies a patient world, respecting the need for sanctuary. Perhaps, someday, the mouse will emerge, blinking into the light, its eyes adjusting to the truth beyond the veil.